Egyptians cities are experiencing a destructive unbalance in their urban environment as a consequence of the urbanization on green areas inside and outside the city limits . this results in gas, acoustical and lighting pollution affecting human taste and behavior leading to a Catastrophic cultural pollution . Man caliph god on earth, he has an effective role, positive or negative in the balance of the urban environment with it's all phases, and we cane form that in a simple equation : ( a normal person work to find a natural and balanced environment or a natural and balanced environment create a normal person ). and any shortage in any part of this equation, cause a disequilibrium and balance leading to un normal pollution interaction with the environment . Vegetation, when adequately provided, helps providing human psychological and behavioral balance in addition to the vital environmental balance. The goal of this research is to analyze the use of vegetation as an important landscape element in Egyptian urban spaces . in which this study doesn't take the enough attention as an element of the design and planning elements and not as complementary element to any of them, specially in the Egyptian city which become in a bad need to found an urban spaces contain the hard and soft landscape elements specially the plant element .
mohammed, H., tailab, M., & moharam, A. (2006). Activating the role of the trees in open spaces Analytical study on one of the armed forces homes. The International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 6(6th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering), 340-349. doi: 10.21608/iccae.2006.45577
Hany mahmoud mohammed; Mahmoud atiea tailab; Adel yassen moharam. "Activating the role of the trees in open spaces Analytical study on one of the armed forces homes", The International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 6, 6th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 2006, 340-349. doi: 10.21608/iccae.2006.45577
mohammed, H., tailab, M., moharam, A. (2006). 'Activating the role of the trees in open spaces Analytical study on one of the armed forces homes', The International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 6(6th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering), pp. 340-349. doi: 10.21608/iccae.2006.45577
mohammed, H., tailab, M., moharam, A. Activating the role of the trees in open spaces Analytical study on one of the armed forces homes. The International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 2006; 6(6th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering): 340-349. doi: 10.21608/iccae.2006.45577