Paper Tube Application (A Paper Tube Shelter)

Document Type : Original Article


Col. Dr.و Staff member in the architectural Department of the Military Technical Collageز


Abstract Emergency events caused by natural disasters can cause people to be homeless as their homes destroyed due to such events. Architects and structural researchers proposed several aspects (concepts) to adapt the matter case. One of such concepts is the paper tube which in the last decade considered being a new trend. The paper discuss the application of the paper tube structure that was first been innovated by Shegaru Ban. The paper analyzes a temporary structure in a form of modular panels that was made of wooden frames filled with paper tubes. Paper tubes are to be arranged linearly taking the length of the panel (parallel to the long direction of the panel frame side). The aim of this research is to examine a shelter that was been built as an emergency shelter with the use of paper tubes. The paper examines the shelter individual parts (wall panels, roof panels, floor panels, and foundation panels). The research begins with how the criteria being specified, and the reasons that govern the selection of such system of construction. The paper tube shelter and system due to serve in both fields of application the civilian and the militaries.