Green Pyramid Rating System for Buildings

Document Type : Original Article


Expert of Green Architecture and Lecturer at Housing and Building Research Centre, HBRC.


The Green Pyramid Rating System is a national environmental rating system for buildings. It provides definitive criteria by which the environmental credentials of buildings can be evaluated, and the buildings themselves can be rated. Additionally, the System should assist building designers, constructors and developers to make reasoned choices based upon the environmental impact of their decisions.
Scope of the Green Pyramid Rating System and eligibility for assessment
The Green Pyramid Rating System is designed for use in new building works. The Rating can be used to assess individual new buildings at either or both of the Design Stage at Post-Construction Stage.
It will be mandatory for applicants wishing for a Green Pyramid assessment at Post-Construction stage to have first undergone a Green Pyramid assessment at Design Stage.
For assessment of Refurbishment-only projects (i.e. where building work will take place on an existing building) certain of the credits that apply to new buildings will not be applicable. This will require modification of the current system and The Green Pyramid Rating System for Refurbishment-only Projects will be produced at a later date.