Passive design techniques: The effect of Shading devices on the thermal performance of residential buildings in Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Lecturer, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt, Tel: 002/010/5490811.


The building and spaces shape have a great impact on indoor temperature.
Well-Designed sun control and shading devices can dramatically affect indoor
temperature. The thermal performance of interior spa ces in hot arid desert is highly
influenced by various passive design techniques, e.g. space dimensions, facade colors,
fenestration ratio, glazing type; and vertical and horizontal shading devices.
Simulation tools play an important role in taking decisio n during early design phase
that could help in improving the thermal performance of buildings . The aim of this
paper is to present the effect of shading devices on the thermal performance of
residential buildings in Egypt. To achieve this aim of the resear ch, first, the climatic
analysis of New Assiut City is introduced followed by identification for the prevailing
residential patterns within the city and the selected residential model. Second, the role
of the used simulation tool in enhancing the designs i s highlighted. Finally, a
simulation has been run for the selected residential model in New Assiut City over the
four cardinal orientations. The results of the study showed that the vertical louvers
decrease of 1.5°C in indoor temperature in northern, eastern, and western orientations
as compared to the southern one. Also, the study showed that the Composite shades
and horizontal shading device decrease of 1.5°C in the southern orientation.
