National projects as development poles and their impact on urban development

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer, Al-Azhar University,Urban Planning Department, Cairo, Egypt.

2 Prof. Dr. Professor of Planning, Al-Azhar University,Urban Planning Department, Cairo, Egypt.

3 Lecturer of planning, Al-Azhar University, Urban Planning Department, Cairo, Egypt.



The Egyptian state is witnessing a strong impetus and development boom in national projects because of its effective role in spreading development in the lagging regions and attracting the population, and in this context the research aims to shed light on national projects in Egypt and measure the impact of these projects in terms of their development returns from being development poles that help in the achievement of urban development, so as to measure the extent of the ability of projects to polarization actual Imran , by identifying factors affecting the national projects , the ability of the urban polarization, and then determine the shape of the relationship between these factors and the ability polar metric urban and exit mathematical equation from which the ability to measure Urban polarization of any existing national project .
