Document Type : Original Article
Assistant Professor, Architecture Engineering Department, Obour high Institute for Engineering and Technology, Cairo, Egypt.
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Modern University for Technology and Informations, Cairo, Egypt.
The housing industry is an essential part of the urban development that requires full cooperation of the country’s different institutes including public and private sectors’institutions, individuals, and groups. This is to achieve the sustainable development in all different aspects; economic, social, and urban developments. As the basic citizen needs of
“everyone’s has the right to have a suitable home” made it essential requirement to offers many housing solutions to fulfill different people needs. The human concepts changed through the years and evolved the housing patterns, methods, forms and uses. As the human needs, concepts and cultures changed - from the need of only a shelter above the head - to protect from weather, into home that provides not only protection but also physiological and psychological comfort and recreational facilities to practice various activities. The industrial revolution, and the development of mechanization with the technology development, in addition to economic and social changes, leading to lack of areas, which helped the change of housing features and its meanings. As it used to be consisted of two or three floors to hold one family only, it transformed into the existing towers and muti-story buildings to conclude large numbers of residents.
The research relied mainly on surveys to measure the population's preference for housing. He also used field visits (for construction companies that play the role of owner and sometimes contractor and development) and documentary analysis to study the nature of the residential product mainly as well as to measure the level of preference for types and requirements of housing, as well as the use of interviews and panel discussions. The criteria, recommendations and proposals contained in this research represent a picture of the needs of a sample of the community, but the results of this research cannot be indicated merely or considered decisive, but must be analyzed to suit each case, and use it in the best possible way to contribute to the design decision. The study reached several results; the most important is to provide privacy and tranquility, due to the low population density with the provision of services, based on the following:
1- The preference for a residential building without other services was the largest.
2- The residential buildings’ height should not exceed 5 floors.
3- The residential building should not contain more than 10 apartment units.
4- There should be some special services for residential buildings, as a suitable number of
parking spaces, as well as the elevator in the buildings and a terrace.