Department of Civil Engineering, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt.
Canadian International College, Cairo, Egypt.
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
In the Hot mix asphalt (HMA) is widely used in asphalt paving in most of countries. The goal of this paper is to study the effect of adding nanomaterials on the properties of asphalt binder and HMA. An experimental program has been conducted to study how to evaluate the performance of the modified asphalt binder and the modified HMA. Nanosilica (NS) and Nanoclay (NC) were used as modifiers. NS and NC were added at 3%, 5% and 7% by bitumen weight. Tests were performed to evaluate enhancement occurred in Penetration, softening point (SP), rotational viscosity (RV). Marshall stability tests, loss of stability and indirect tensile strength were performed on modified asphalt mixtures. Results were compared with control mix. Results shows significant enhancement in most of properties of asphalt binder and HMA. Penetration decreased by 24.07% at 3% NC and 20.37% at 5% NS. 3% NC and 5% NS were chosen to be optimum nanomaterial content (ONMC). Modified bitumens by 3% NC and 5% NS were used to produce modified asphalt mixtures. The modified mixtures showed a significant enhancement in stability and indirect tensile strength (IDT), but they, in contrast, had a harmful effect on the loss of stability (LOS).
Oda, A., El-Desouky, A., Mahdy, H., & Moussa, O. (2020). Effects of asphalt modification by Nanosilica and Nanoclay on asphalt binder and hot mix asphalt properties. The International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 13(13), 1-15. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/974/1/012003
Ahmed W. Oda; Ahmed El-Desouky; Hassan Mahdy; Osama M. Moussa. "Effects of asphalt modification by Nanosilica and Nanoclay on asphalt binder and hot mix asphalt properties", The International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 13, 13, 2020, 1-15. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/974/1/012003
Oda, A., El-Desouky, A., Mahdy, H., Moussa, O. (2020). 'Effects of asphalt modification by Nanosilica and Nanoclay on asphalt binder and hot mix asphalt properties', The International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 13(13), pp. 1-15. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/974/1/012003
Oda, A., El-Desouky, A., Mahdy, H., Moussa, O. Effects of asphalt modification by Nanosilica and Nanoclay on asphalt binder and hot mix asphalt properties. The International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering, 2020; 13(13): 1-15. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/974/1/012003